Monday, September 03, 2018

The Lovecaftian Thing a Day (2018) No.246: The Quatermass Collection

Whilst I’m not aware of Nigel Kneale having ever made open reference to Lovecaft as an influence, so much of his work in the field of sci-fi film and television resonates with themes commensurate with those found in Lovecraft’s tales. This is perhaps nowhere more apparent in the four Quatermass scripts which Kneale penned: whilst the British stiff upper-lip still retains the upper hand against ancient aliens and nameless, amorphous forces lurking in the depths of space in these tales (the first three of which, in their original BBC adaptations, are available as part of the above DVD collection), nonetheless such threats act as a reminder of humanity’s precarious position in a vast and incomprehensibly strange universe.

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