Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Malign Frequencies - Further Transmissions from Horsingdon, No.109: The Lost Tower

The Lost Tower stands somewhere within an industrial estate out on the northerly edgelands of Horsingdon. Many photographs exist of the structure, all of which depict its rising up from behind other buildings and warehouses - but never its base or foundation; indeed, no one has yet been able to find or verify its actual location within the dilapidated industrial estate. And some of those who have gone in search of it have never returned.

Malign Frequencies - Further Transmissions from Horsingdon No.108: Haunted Portakabins

This makeshift office - a once-temporary structure forged from convenient portakabins, and which which long ago transitioned to a state of permanence - sits in the foreyard of one of Horsingdon’s haulage firms.

It has, however, sat empty for the last few years on account of it being haunted.

No one is quite sure what is doing the haunting, or indeed how this spectral state of affairs came into being; nonetheless, speculation has been rife amongst the drivers (none of which seem to remain at the firm for longer than a few months) that something may have secretly hitched a lift on one of their lorries: something unnatural, which most likely crept or crawled from within one of the curious Ministry sites the drivers occasionally pass whilst out on their deliveries.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Malign Frequencies - Further Transmissions from Horsingdon, No.107: Horsingdon Asylum

Reeking of an uncanny aura of abject abandonment, the dilapidated shell of Horsingdon Asylum is notable for the fact that, soon after the institution was decommissioned as a site for he cure of distraught souls and disordered minds, every one of its windows was bricked up. There are few alive now who recall the reasons for this - but those who do refuse to speak about the matter.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Malign Frequencies - Further Transmissions from Horsingdon, No.106: Howling Tower

It is said that this transmitter array on the parish boundary between Harlow and Horsingdon was once part of a secret Ministry initiative, whose aim was the detection of non-human intrusions into terrestrial airspace, focusing on certain regional locales which ere reputed UFO hotspots

Scant days after it became operational, the array was disconnected from its power source - on account of the discovery of its broadcasting a continuous, dissonant howl along cryptic wavebands. It was later ascertained by Ministry radio astronomers that this discordant signal was emanating from beyond the furthermost rim of our galaxy.

Rumour holds that, despite attempts at terminating the signal, the transmitter array continues to mysteriously relay its cacophanous broadcast to this very day - even in the face of no discernable source of power...

Friday, May 03, 2019

Malign Frequencies - Further Transmissions from Horsingdon No.105: Sleeping Giants.

Enclosed behind steel palisade fencing crowned with barbed wire, this anonymous, windowless facility is fed an endless supply of power: the cryptic thrum of inscrutable energies, forcibly extracted from the landscape by means of proscribed technologies, thence channeled along thick reams of heavy cabling whose outer casing is indented with strange sigils.

An aura of alien unease permeates the site - as if one is transgressing some hidden, unspoken threshold and, in that act of transgression, entering into the presence of a malevolent, sleeping giant.

Thursday, May 02, 2019

Malign Fequencies 104 - Harlow Hill Field Report 10: The Lychgate

The Lychgate is a narrow path which leads north out of St.Mary’s crooked, hillside cemetery towards the pedestrian, urbanise modernity of Harlow town centre. Demarcating the threshold between the temporal and the incorporeal, the Lychgate evidences more than its fair share of spectral inhabitants who exist between worlds - and whose hauntological state is the due of all those who fully understand what it is to really dwell within Horsingdon’s strange topography: existing within the narrow corridor where worlds overlap, participating in a kind of ghostly, ephemeral half-life within that twilight fringe between two realms, but never truly belonging to either.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Malign Frequencies No.103 - Harlow Hill Field Report 9: Star Stone

This strange, tentacular star-shaped icon sits atop a roughly hewn tombstone, overlapping a carved scroll upon which are inscribed curious and unintelligible symbols. As with others of its ilk found within the cemetery of St. Mary-on-the-Hill, it is said that this nameless grave hides monstrous secrets fallen from the stars, long since forgotten, and best left undisturbed.