Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Lovecraftian Thing a Day (2018) No.230: Colonial Gothic - Lovecraft

Colonial Gothic began life as a Colonial era supplement fo the Call of Cthulhu rpg, before mutating into its own unique system and setting, but minus the elements of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos. Given the centrality of the Amercan Colonial period to Lovecraft’s aesthetic sensibilities (even if - the historical elements and architectural details in The Case of Charles Dexter Ward excepted - it is not often a focal point of his fiction), it is surprising that we haven’t seen much by way of a Lovecraftian rpg setting for this period. 

Colonal Gothic - Lovecraft tries to rectify this - albeit not entirely successfully: whilst a worthy attempt, with some nice illustrations, this tends towards the mechanical moreso than the fluff, such that it is pretty much the bestiary, tomes, and magic of the Call of Cthulhu rpg converted into Colonial Gothic stats, with a modicum of setting details. Not a bad effort, but the definitive Colonial setting for Lovecraftian tabletop gaming is, I think, yet to be written.

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