Thursday, October 06, 2016

Lovecraftian Thing a Day No.280: Reanimatrix

Peter Rawlik's Reanimatrix appeared in my Kindle app the other day - I've been looking forward to this (even though I'd forgotten that I'd preordered it) for quite some time. Reanimatrix forms the third in a series of novels (beginning with Reanimators and continuing with The Weird Company) which are effectively interlinking all of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and Arkham cycle tales (as well as playfully introducing other literary and cinematic characters into the mix). Whilst I find that Rawlik's excellent short stories tend toward a more literary weird vein, The Weird Company novels have a distinctly pulpy feel - and I mean that in a good way! I mean, not only does Reanimatrix have a wonderfully noirish cover, but what's not to love in a novel whose byline is 'he could only love a DEAD woman!'? Here's hoping that Lovecraft and Eddy's 'The Loved Dead' gets a mention.


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