Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The Lovecraftian Thing a Day (2018): Epilogue

And so with the previous year’s ending, we reach the termination of another annual Lovecraftian Thing a Day  - although in truth this last year of blogging felt like more of an effort that 2016’s offering, which was a fresh idea at the time, and fueled my creative juices by way of the short fictive narratives which I tied to many of the entries (regular readers of 2018’s posts will have noticed that I ceased including said narratives about half-way through that year’s entries). Whilst it has, nonetheless, been an enjoyable experience, I don’t expect to be returning to the Lovecraftian Thing a Day in 2020 (I may revisit it again, but I think it needs to lie fallow for a few years before I do so).

In any case, I would like to thank regular readers for their support, Facebook likes, and comments throughout 2018.

What next, then, for Whispers From The Ghooric Zone? When I began the first Lovecraftian Thing a Day  in 2016, it was conceived as part of a five year cycle of daily blogging, with the Thing a Day running during 2016, 2018, and 2020, with something else appearing in the alternating years; in 2017, that was The Horsingdon Transmissions; whilst it never received the same amount of traffic (and appears to have been less popular than the Thing a Day), The Horsingdon Transmissions is one of the things I’m most proud off in terms of recent creative output; whilst I’m perhaps in danger of repeating the mistakes of the past, something akin to a second series of The Horsingdon Transmissions will, therefore, be appearing on your digital doorstep later in the day.

Until then - be seeing you!

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