Thursday, January 17, 2019

Malign Frequencies: Further Transmissions from Horsingdon, No.17: The Sounds Out of Time

Built above an ancient barrow, on certain nights of the year this transmitter array broadcasts a very curious signal: behind a layer of static, one can discern a distant beating of drums, and the muffled sound of human chanting -  although the words are unclear and seem to be in a hitherto unknown language. The chanting persists for sometime, until there is a sound like something fleshy being rent or torn - after which the chanting turns into a panicked, horrified screaming. Then there is silence. 

There are those who speculate that the broadcast is some kind of residual haunting: the strange properties of the Horsingdon landscape having absorbed the trauma produced by some appalling neolithic ritual and its monstrous aftermath, causing it to be repeated forever after. 

Others have suggested a more disturbing possibility: that the broadcast is the refraction of some future event - an event so terrible that it has warped the weft of time, causing the arrow of temporality to turn back upon itself, and sending an echo of that frightful occurence back to us a future reminder of its hideous inevitability.

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