Monday, January 07, 2019

Malign Frequencies: Further Transmissions from Horsingdon No.7: Witchpaths

This narrow road runs through part of Horsingdon Wood, and follows one of the ancient tracks known throughout Horsingdon and Harlow as ‘witchpaths’ on account of their association with the occult topography of the region. It is said that such routes intersect with those hidden realms which lurk beyond the visible world - and the inhabitants therein with whom the witches and sorcerers of old would often seek intercourse.

Such pathways were generally avoided by right-thinking folk - and still are to this day: the above road has largely fallen out of use; it is well-known that council workers will go out of their way to avoid having to effect repairs to the thoroughfare, and those who do find themselves engaged in the road’s upkeep ensure that they do not linger long in the area once their work is done.

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