Friday, January 26, 2018

The Lovecraftian Thing a Day (2018) No.26: Innsmouth Gold

Regular readers will recall that, earlier in the month, I described how - through  curious circumstances - I came to be in receipt of a Silver Key; may also recall my decision to wear it during the hours of sleep with a view to unveiling the key’s oneiric secrets.

My dreams of late have been haunted by hints of weird scenes and terrifying cosmic vistas; indeed, only last night I dreamt that I was atop a great moonlit reef, overlooking a black ocean which stretched before me the distant horizon - and beneath which I sensed strange life stirring and swarming amidst monstrously ancient weed-strewn towers of repellent design.

Behind me I could discern a jagged coastline, across which spread the crumbling remnants of an old port-town - from whence came a small rowboat in the direction of the reef and which, I spied, held a loan occupant. Making my way to greet this stranger at a small sandy cove at which he had soon beached his boat, I discovered an old man dressd in the oilskinned garb of a fisherman from times past; stranger yet was his wide mouth and bulging, unblinking eyes. Approaching, he took from the pocket of his worn and heavy jacket a small pouch of roughly woven sackcloth, offering it to me with an abominable smile which revealed a long line of shark-like teeth - through which he uttered in a low, gutteral voice the alien words of an immeasurably remote and unknown tongue...

Gripped by a terror so profound that I was immediately brought to wakefulness, I discovered the small sackcloth purse arrayed on my bed next to me, smelling of the sea, and disgorging from its disagreeable interior a small flood of gold coins of curious provenance and unknown mint.

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