Monday, February 06, 2023

Spectral Static: The Horsingdon Transmissions 2023, No.37 - Wards and Barriers

An outlying building on MoD land which is the location of the alleged event which lead to the closure of the site. In a recent communique, ‘COLD’ informed me that, shortly before the event in question, those who worked in the building began reporting anomalous sounds and apparitions, all of which seemed to emanate from the extensive basement complex below it’s foundations. According to ‘COLD’, one particularly incredulous tale concerns a report logged by two terrified members of the RAF - who had been temporarily stationed at the site on special duty in relation to a highly secretive project - regarding the manifestation and subsequent disappearance of a monstrous worm-like entity, which they witnessed in one of the building’s sub-levels.

The windows have since been bricked up. There are also further rumours of other, arcane apotropaic wards and barriers within the structure - wards and barriers whose purpose is not so much to prevent ingress to the building of those who wish to divine its secrets, but to bind and constrain whatever may lurk within its unlighted and windowless halls from gaining access to the outside world.

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