Monday, June 25, 2018

The Lovecraftian Thing a Day (2018) No.176: Evidence

2012’s Evidence is another found footage film which I consider to be Lovecraftian (although in this case the claim requires some qualification). What starts off as rather typical for the genre  (a group of young people hiking in the woods are terrorised by a bigfoot-like creature) takes a complete left-turn into conspiratorial high-weirdness. The only broad comparison I can think of here is From Dusk Til Dawn in terms of a similar tonal and thematic shift which also occurs midway through the film.

The qualification for this being Lovecraftian is twofold: not only there is a sense of struggling against a set of circumstances whch are horrifyingly incomprehensible, but in relation to this, the second half of Evidence feels like the main protaganists have accidently stumbled into a Delta Green investigation into an MJ-12 site gone badly wrong; indeed, if you are looking for a Delta Green movie (especially one about an operation which has gone off the rails - cue lots of chaos, running, screaming, and dying), the second half of Evidence is worth a watch. Indeed, this remains one of my favourite found-footage mvies of all time. Beware, however - there is another found footage film (released in 2013, and starring Stephen moyer of True Blood fame) of the same title.

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