Thursday, November 17, 2016

Lovecraftian Thing a Day No.322: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

I've mentioned previously that I don't have an extensive collection of Arkham House volumes; however, earlier on in my time as a collector I identified this revised edition of Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, illustrated by J.K. Potter (and including two of his now-classic portraits of Lovecraft, both shown above), as a must have - primarily because I had heard such wonderful things about Richard Lupoff's 'The Discovery of the Ghooric Zone' (a new addition to the contents of this verson of Tales which remains one of my all-time favourite Mythos stories). Unfortunately this was published in that now-legendary pre-internet epoch (1990 to be precise), and it took me a few years to lay my hands on a copy (this is one of the second printings). I still recall the thrill of finding it (in London's Forbidden Planet) to this day. For me, there is probably no other volume in my collection that resonates aesthetically with the same profound sense of awe, wonder and weird cosmicism than this.

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