Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Lovecraftian Thing a Day No.139: Witch of Salem

Witch of Salem is a neat little cooperative game based on the Cthulhu Mythos-inspired series of novels by German author Wolfgang Hohlbein, apparently centering on the heroic occult activities of the eponymous Witch of Salem in facing off against various Lovecraftian threats. Despite the fact that Hohlbein's work has seen massive sales in Germany, and has been widely translated, I understand that only one of his (non-Mythos) works has seen print in English, which seems a shame. In any case, the game itself is fun and easy to learn, but damned difficult to beat - so it has seen a number of return visits to my gaming table. Thematically, it is not far removed (but quicker to play) than Arkham Horror, such that players are travelling around Salem, avoiding monsters and seeking to close interdimensional gateways before one of the Great Old Ones can forces its way through. Not only is the Witch of Salem a strong recommend if you are a novice seeking to dip your toes into the waters of contemporary Lovecraftian gaming, it also has a gorgeously illustrated board and production values to excite even the most jaded of Lovecraftian aesthetes.

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