Tuesday, October 03, 2017

The Horsingdon Transmissions No.276: The Lower Tunnels

Boreham Park Station on Bridgewater Road is overlooked by Horsingdon Hill, and is a stone's throw from the Park itself.

Whilst the station platforms are above ground at street level, they are connected by an underpass of classic London Underground design, tiled in the colours of the Piccadilly Line (at whose suburban hinterlands Boreham Park Station sits). Midway along this underpass one encounters a locked iron gateway, blocking entrance to another tunnel - one which leads even deeper downwards to a room which always appears to be very brightly lit - so much so that its is impossible to discern the overall shape or contents if the room. The light which emanates from that place often seems to flicker and pulse in odd ways, such that the casual observer can sometimes be left thinking that there are shifting shapes or figures trapped behind that blindingly uncanny luminescence.

Station staff remain reticent when questioned on the matter. Most of them seem to have been resentfully employed at the locale for decades, such that one wonders if they were sent there for some past yet unnameable infraction - perhaps being forced to wait out the rest of their working lives as the guardians of a deadly secret...

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